Friday 30 June 2023

Big changes.

35-year-old college professor Scott was in love with and having a secret relationship with 19 year old Bethany one of his brightest students.

Bethany just found out she was pregnant and was ashamed and embarrassed to tell people.

Bethany just wanted to get rid of it and continue with her life. 

Bethany went to Scott and asked him to help her pay for an abortion.

Scott was not happy at this news. 

He was excited to be a father and told her that.

He told her he would stay by her side and look after her and the baby.

Bethany told him that she did not want to be held back by a baby.

Bethany told him that she had her whole life in front of her and that she wanted to go far and she could not do that with a baby.

Scott came up with a solution that surprised her.

He would have a full sex change.

He became a female version of himself fully functional in every way.

He had the fetus transferred from Bethany's wound into his.

Bethany was happy to no longer be pregnant and could continue her carefree life and Scott was happy to be an expectant mother.


  1. Professor Scott was about 35 years old, was in love with a student 19-year-old Bethany, is best and brightest student, thou such things were frowned upon, so they did it in secret, but things go find and great, then a couple of months later.
    Bethany found out that she was pregnant. The problem that, it was to soon, far to soon, to be pregnant, Bethany didn't even think about it. She more or less about what she do in the next five or ten years. She started to get offered that what she could do. But now getting pregnant was a problem. Did want to get marries probably have children maybe but probably in 15 or 20 years when Bethany was the next Einstein, Hawking or Tellus.
    So she told Professor Scott, that she was pregnant, and isn't probably his child. He was happy. But that was the reaction that she wanted, she wanted a abortion. But Professor thought that wasn't a good idea, he could help in every way he could. But this what Bethany didn't want to have the child, but he tried to convince her not to do it.
    Then Professor Scott came with a unusually brilliant idea. To have a gender change, to have the fetus transferred into Professor Scotts newly transferred feminine body, To put it simple that Professor Scott would carry the child and raise the child.
    But it both would have take six to 12 months hiatus. One for the special genetic or gene therapy. Two to transferred Bethany feus into Professor Scott new female body. Three to give proper documents and paper. For Professor Scott to being a woman, to make sure that Bethany's body was back tt normal shape. While Professor Scott was beings pregnant a few months later before she noticeable being pregnant Professor Scott, did several things teaching her classes, finding material clothes, finding baby clothes and furniture.
    They were happy that Professor Scott return and happily that she a woman, and wondered that who the father was, well she that she didn't know. But that was a white lie, she knew but the truth was stranger than the truth.
    Bethany was happy that she no longer pregnant, she still loved Professor Scott, but now it more a sisterly love or relative. A several months later several things that happen one Bethany graduated got a job, professor Scott gave birth to a baby girl she named Bethany, for some reason.

    1. Its part from that both Professor Scott probably happy with the knowledge of the child, but Bethany was brilliant, but she felt that have a child to, to soon, she didn't want it might ruin the possibilities for a great career. But Professor Scott was want the child in sense Professor Scott became both mother/father is sense. Then her life as girl, mother, teacher. In one.
