Tuesday 16 May 2023

Look happy.

45-year-old Anthony had promised his wife that he had bought a princess entertainer for their daughters fifth birthday party.

In reality he had completely and was now panicking to find somebody.

2 days before the birthday party he confessed to his wife.

Not wanting to disappoint their daughter she decided there was only one solution.

She ordered a bodysuit of the  internet and made him put it on.

The minute the suit was sipped up he felt a strange tingling and pulling at his body.

He watched in complete surprise as his body transformed into that of a beautiful young woman.

The birthday party was a complete success and everybody enjoyed his performance.

After the party was over his wife had a little confession of her own.

Instead of ordering a 24-hour body suit she had ordered a 24 month bodysuit as it was on sale and she knew how much he liked a bargain which did not sit well with him.


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