Sunday 28 May 2023

Bachelor to Housewife: requested by boltansky2022 (email)

35-year-old  bachelor Allan was a bachelor and loved his lifestyle.

He had no intentions of settling down and becoming a husband and a father.

He woke today in a strange bed looking at the strange feeling of a strange man's arm over him and squeezing his strange larger breast.

He left bed surprised and shocked and slightly panic-sickened.

Everything looks familiar and strange at the same time.

He looked in the mirror on the back of the door and said Sarah when he saw his face and recognized who he was.

For some reason, he was now his sister.

Memories of a life that was not his started flooding into my mind.

He remembered growing up as his Sarah.

He remembered going off to college having his first serious boyfriend and losing his virginity to him.

He remembered after college working in a little doctor surgery as the receptionist where he met his husband-to-be.

He remembered a world within Romans which led to settling down together and starting a family.

He was brought back to his presence by the sound of a baby crying in the room next to theirs.

The large breasts on his chest which were heavy and aching started to leak milk and he had the uncontrollable urge to go and feed the baby.

Unable to stop himself he found himself walking into the room picking the baby up removing one of his large swollen breasts and settling down into the chair next to the crib and letting the baby feed nosily and happily.

He could not believe the feeling of euphoria and Happiness as the baby sucked away at the milk.

It made him feel happy and peace with what was going on around him.

After the baby had finished feeding and he had burped and winded it he changed its soil diaper and found himself feeling at home doing so.

On autopilot, he found himself headed downstairs and cooked his husband breakfast wealthy heard his husband in the shower whistling away.

He is uncontrollably smart when he sees his sister's husband walk into the kitchen or clean shave and smell so manly.

After breakfast, he slapped him on the buttock and then headed off to his work as the town doctor.

As an autopilot again he headed upstairs he made the beds got dressed and sat down with the baby relaxing.

As he was giving the baby the second feet of the day on the bed the phone rang by the side and he picked it up.

He recognised his strong masculine voice as it spoke to him.

His sister Sarah apologises for doing this to him.

She told him she thought getting married and having a child would change the way she felt sexually towards a woman.

She told him that she was not happy in her life and had used a black magic spell to what with the only blood relatives she had.

She told him that she hoped he would figure out in time I would come to love life as her wife and mother.

Before Alan could say anything in response when he ran the number back she had hung up and when he rang the number back had been disconnected.

Over the next 4 weeks and mother whilst playing the perfect housewife and mother and trying not to enjoy it too much, especially the sex did everything he could his old life back no matter how much he tried.

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