Sunday 30 April 2023

Who are you? requested by Anonymous


After seeing the breaking news report about a petrol station robbery near where he lived Andrew found his step sister who staying with him to make sure she was alright.

He phoned her three times but she did not pick up feeling worried he left work early to go and check on her.

He saw his sister he rushed back to his apartment let himself in and was surprised relieved and shocked when he saw his sister standing in the kitchen completely naked and talking like a ghetto Mexican accent. 

He cough to get her attention and apologize for walking in on her like this

He was surprised and taken aback when she said in broken English who the fuck are you this chick boyfriend?

Andrew reading the face and said I'm your step brother don't you remember?

What Andrew doesn't now was his sister's body was being inhabited by the low life who tried to rob the gas station and died in a gun fight with police and his soul somehow found her body and made itself at home in it.


  1. A boy befriends with a bodyhopper who was occupying his mom's body.

    1. thank you for getting in touch I will work on that shortly.

