Saturday 15 April 2023

Office manager now: requested by jfalco (GS)

Jake was what you called a shifter he could turn himself into wraith like being, that could enter the body of others, he learn early on, like in his mid-teens he could do this, he choice to temporality be that person anywhere from a hour or so to day or so. He never stay there for long, so used those bodies like a suit or costume. He discovered that if they found out, he would be used for others. But he used his abilities to build wealth and power, either take a certain amount of cash, gold or sliver, that could missed, they all ways thought it was a mistake, a lost. But is he luck as running or a customer, that thought, he has used for him.

So he had to quickly shifted to another body. He never met them in his original body.

So he to closes person a pretty late 30 or 40 something woman. Who was about to drive to her office, each time, he transfers into another body he has access to these memories and speak patterns. He found out that she was a single mum working at local estate office. She was basial a personally assistant (other words a secretary and part-time agent at times). It was mostly boring and dull, filed hard copies, make e-copies for the system. Make coffee or tea or whatever. He figures out a few hours as girl couldn't be that bad, but he never did take over a girl. Even when he knew of his abilities, he took over jocks, the nerds that were smart than he, even a teacher or two. But even a girl. Now he is one for a time. When her boss wanted to see her. He had to access her memories, and she wanted to get ahead to get a promotion, and he wanted more than talk to her. He wanted her body for carnal pleasure. So he/she closed the door, drew the binds. And she started to removed her clothes and her lingerie. He/she started to given him a BJ or three. And then he thrusted his maleness into her rear several time Jake at thought the first BJ was enough , and that would be enough. But he/she like it, so he/she did again. Then when he/she started recover his/her senses. He/she had sex in her rear. Not once or twice but several times. After nearly a hour later he/she recovered his tryst. Thou she got the promotion, he said a couple of thing to get dressed and not say a thing about it. As Jake put on his/her lingerie and clothes, he act like nothing happened. Jake started walk back to his/her with silly grim on his/her face. Jake was pondering if he/she stay in this body a little longer, or find another body like a girl. For some strange reason. He likes being a girl. When he took over though men it was always business, or he need them get things for himself. Now it felt different, almost pleasurable. Jake now wondered if he took over girls when he was a teenage now. At the moment, he/she decided to finished his business. And then he'll returned to his normal self. But he might take a few days of in a girls body. For experiment. To if he like it.

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