Saturday 15 April 2023

A strange twist to the night (GS)


It was odd even strange that Abigail formerly Andrew, that Matthew were still friends after what happened Andrew becoming Abigail. No it wasn't a sex change operation. It was more complicated than that. Andrew got a special virus that effect one out 100 or 200 men. What was unusually about it, it basically rewritten his DNA from male to female. It didn't effect him physically only, but biologically to, even mentally and emotionally too. It effect him like reverse puberty. He changing it actual woman. After a few months Andrew was no more and Abigail was born was to speak oven. He err she started dressing and acting more and more like a girl. Thou there were certain thing that Abigail kept of her former life.

Matthew was still her friend, thou they had a special bond, but Matthew was looking his friend a little differently than before, almost a sexually way to, but he couldn't do it. Or asked that question

THEN one day after being Abigail for about six months, she asked that, if that your willing so am I too. She said. When she said that he almost chock on his wine, then I thought, that it would be unpropertied for me, to ask you that question. Matthew said. Well so do I to. But remember before this happened to me, she said. Matthew said yes. Well I want to find and marry a nice woman and have a family. She said. Yes, I remember you said that, he said. Well, I can't well enough to do that now. And I notice you looking at me, like that, and i started looking at looking at you in a different way. But if we do this things will change. I know, I know, but I want to have child with you. If your willing to this, she said. I'm willing to do it, if you are. Matthew said, but this new to me. Me to I never had sex, well sex as a girl. I mean, mind the other things like periods, and getting pregnant too. So we'll learn together he said. He slowly when to her, slowly unzipped her dress off of her. Then she started undress him, after that, he picked her up and bought her the bed. What happens next that is another story.

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