Saturday 15 April 2023

its all new to me. (GS)

Tony or Tayla now, was totally and absolutely in the dark about his/her new feminine form. Thou he/she went through the reverse puberty thing. That is male body turned into a total and absolute female, physically and biological, the mental and emotion and personal thing more slowly to adjust to than the physical thing, Tony/Tayla being trained and education as a girl, how to dress and act like a girl. Thou he/she has being dressed as a girl in casual wear, several time and pass without any problems, but now he/she had to dress up in dresses so to speak off. Tony/Tayla didn't like any of the dress he/she tried on. There was always something that with them. It was either one thing or another. His/her sister knew that these were the most casual outfits she had. Nothing to revealing or showy. This was his/her first time in a dress for causal meeting for a friend that knew oven his/her transfiguration. Tony/Tayla sister kept telling her new sister that, this several of her more causal outfits, nothing is to anything. So tell me why again, I'm wearing a dress and high heel. One you need to being wearing them allot now, two those chunky heels aren't that high, once you practice heels and even stilettos you being walking like an expert. Why if they see thou me, as a guy in a dress. Well been outside several times, and no one has seen you as nothing tha/ a girl. Enough time, you get going now. As Tony/Tayla left there place, they shared. Tony/Tayla still had that feeling that eyes were staring at him/her. As he/she told both men and women do that for several reason, that saying what he/she believe. After cab ride later. Tony/Tayla met his/her friend. He/she did hated the fact but it was a public place. When he/she met his/her friend Allan. He couldn't help but stare at Tony/Tayla. Allan asked several questions. Like are you a complete woman. Or is it more physical. Tony/Tayla was a bit embarrassed, but it was valued question. He/she no its both physical and biological, to put it simply, I'm totally inside and out, I function as one. Then where several others like do you think and feel as one, do you have a girl name. Well to those ones I'm not sure about that, at times I know I'm a girl. But feel like one, I'm not sure at time. About my name as a girls its Tayla now. I still go by Tony still. After four or five glass of white wine. Tony/Tayla was a bit woozy. that was strange he/she should be this drunk over some white wine.

Then several hours later Tony/Tayla was in his friend bed next her snoring happy. As she got out of the covers. And got to the bathroom, she sat on the toilet, trying figure out. The things that happen then, in a haze, her inhibition, were lowered that she was more friendlier then, she was it was like all the problems and fears were no more. That she was a girl. And kissing her friend. They he asked, what they should do next. Tayla say we go to your place and make out. As she started to piece what happen next. Was that she and him at carnal pleasure. For a moment that part of her that was Tony the guy turned into a girl. As no more, she was Tayla fully and completely mind and body. Thou her male ego thought she hold her drinks, her hold of being still a guy was gone. She is a girl now. THEN she went back to the bed, And next her friends. She doesn't know that if she'll do it again or with her friend again. But does know that she a step close to excepting being one. And she has talk to her sister about it.

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