Tuesday 18 April 2023

I like this.

45-year-old financial banker Morris thought his doctor was crazy when he suggested this as a cure to get over his anxiety and fear of public speaking.

But now in the body of 24 year old candy doing his turn on the stage he felt so powerful so strong so full of life.

He could seriously see why the girls did this.

The money was good but the power you felt over men was incredible and in toxicating.


  1. Morris was a banker about 45-years in financial, he was good at his job but he had a problem with public speaking, one on one, at lease about three or four people he could do it. But more than that he had problems with it. A fear more or less. He didn't know why, he had problem with people.
    So he sent to specialist unique way to cure his problems, he was asked million questions, well several thousand questions. The solution was unique, was to take a few weeks off. But the reason why was strange, that he inhabit a body of young woman. And do her job, for the moment he thought it was crazy to even suggest it. He saw that, do you want to be cure your problem now. He said yes, I do. But why being a girl now. Because you need to experiences what it like being someone else. SO I week later. Morris is now for a time a young 24-year-old girl name Candice (Candi) a dancer in a club. Morris/Candi was at first nerves, but when he/she when at the stage he/she automatically started to dance, it was scared, exciting and frilling at the same time. As the week finished Morris/Candi was less versus, still excited and frilled. At first he/she could understand why girls did this at all then, he/she realize the excitement, frills, joy, the power she has over people.
    And the money she is get she could do anything, she retire even before thirty. Then Morris did some that was him, that she wanted to stay as Candi, she realized that is her Candi, not Morris. The strangest thing the owner of this body, wanted to stay as Morris as guy. That she or he better at do it, and she does want to be a man now and forever, this made them both happy. Candi now Morris asked that, if it was okay to see her work, i never saw myself, dance. Morris now Candi said why not, it's unusually, but our situation is unusually now. Would want a drink later to toast our new life, from a stripper, Candi said, you mean dancer he said. Sorry, I been only a girl a short time now, I still those male terms in me.
