Thursday 20 April 2023

Clean and tidy.

22-year-old Sammy suddenly found himself in the body of a woman who was naked in the shower with the shower head between her legs.

What she was doing felt so good and made her body feel so incredible he could not stop.

All he could do was stand there moaning and squealing with pleasure as her body spasmed and jerked over and over again.

After collapsing to the shower floor through extreme sexual exhaustion he said to himself in a high pitch voice so that's what a female orgasm feels like no wonder they enjoy them so much.

It was only after coming down from his sexual high that he wondered what had happened and what had done this to him.

It was only when stepping out of the shower on shaky legs he saw his reflection in the mirror and recognizing the girl he was now.

He let out an oh shit as he thought about what his girlfriend was going to say about him now being in her younger sister Melanie's body.

He grabbed Melanie's cell phone off the table and called his girlfriend Emma.

When she answered he tried to explain what had happened to him and where he was.

He was surprised by how calmly and easily she accepted what he was saying.

She told him she would be right over and told him not to go anywhere.

He slipped on a bathrobe and sat in the living room waiting for her to come doing his best to ignore is male urges to play with this body again.

25 minutes later his girlfriend Emma turned up with her sister Melanie in his body.

Melanie looking a little bit sheepish apologised and said she was thinking about him in the shower.

When she came she somehow found herself in his body.

According to scientist on a breaking news report the same time due to a cosmic event.

Sammy overwhelmed by female emotions broke down crying saying he did not want to be Melanie forever.

His girlfriend trying to comfort him and told him scientists would find a way to one do it.

Sadly his girlfriend was wrong and scientist would never find a way to turn them back.

He would have no choice but to accept the fact that he was now a heterosexual woman.

He would have no choice but to accept the fact that he was now biologically related to the woman he loved so their relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend was over but their relationship as sisters had just beagle as you helped him down the road to womanhood and female independence.

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