Thursday 10 November 2022

W hat are we going to do?

Simon and Anthony two atomic physicist sat in their prison cell in unfamiliar female bodies.

They still could not believe their bodies were dead and so as far as the world was concerned so were they.

They knew what this foreign power wanted out of them the new American atomic engine specifications.

They were going to resist them as much as they could but they did not know how long they could hold out like this.


  1. Both Simon and Anthony were two physicals or scientist if will, they traveled to important, conferences, about the second or third day. Both Simon and Anthony had accident. About several days later. They both woke up. in a cell. Which alone was a problem. What was worst that, they weren't themselves, they were both female, girls, physically, biologically, even genetically to, but the mentally and emotion that both women is a problem, that there original male body, were to damage to live in. Within in a few hours, later, the person that cause this situation.
    That to will start to work for me. And if we refuse to do this. One you Simion and Anthony are more, dead. Two your females now, three you both use your minds to help me.
    And if we don't, said Anthony. Well you'll both be girls plus with what comes with your feminine bodies, he said. Mean what Simion, angrily asked.
    Well, I forget you two don't know much girls, no matter, well at the moment within a few weeks or so, your hormones could wild, or something else. And then is you need to be train to behave like girls as better as possible. And I will allow you move around my facility's within in reason. If you try to leave the compound you will be punishment. Within time we will implant you two with your DNA. You do not like the idea of it. But maybe later you may agree to it. So, think it over your alive, you're still the same person maybe. As he left the cell the two former guys thinking it over.
