Sunday 20 November 2022

Just messing around requested by Anonymous


75 year old Joe from across the road had the ability to take over somebody else's body.

the only person in the neighbourhood a 16-year old boy who lived across the road from him.

today Joe decided he would have a little bit of fun with Scott and took over Scots mum's body.

Scott immediately knew there was something wrong when he got home today

his mother was sitting in the living room in a very revealing outfit.

she was smoking a cigarette and drinking a glass of beer to things he never did.

when his mother spotted him standing in the doorway she said in a playful tone.

"Oh, hey sweetie come and give your momma a hug?

Scott just looked at his mother and said in an angry tone.

"Cut the shit Joe, I know it's you not my mother". 

She would never  wear anything like that.

Old Joe inside his mother's body just left and said in a manly tone.

"That's no way to talk to your mother, young man"

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