Sunday 20 November 2022

Lauren Cohan: requested by Josef Zápotocky

Sometimes strange things just happen.

Like suddenly waking up to discover that you have transformed into your dream girl.

That is what happened to 18 year old Josef 3 days ago.

He was now an exact copy of Lauren Cohan.

According to all the doctors that had examined him he was now a funny looking in member of the female race.

He would have periods you would be able to carry a baby and he would be able to breastfeed.

Reports from around the world started coming in of other people suffering the same condition.

Nobody had any idea how it happened how to reverse it if a tool that was possible.

Josef's parents thought would go to pieces when they broke the news to him that he would be stuck like this the rest of his life.

But he was not too phased as he can already discovered the delights of being a woman about it.

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