Sunday 20 November 2022

Mother's misery requested by Anonymous


16-year old Treyvon was the biggest bully in school.

his favourite targets was 15-year old Samuel a nerdy kid.

he would steal his lunch money flush his head down the toilet and make his life a misery.

Samuel did not think anything could be worse than that until the great shift hit the Earth.

he himself was unaffecting by it but that could not be said for his mother.

he had no idea where she was but he knew was now inside her body Treyvon.

Treyvon not knowing how long this was going to last a great pleasure in mentally scarring Samuel for the rest of his life

Samuel your mother's body is beautiful

she's got magnificent breasts.

not too soggy and plenty sensitive.

I think I'm really going to enjoy playing with them.

what's the matter don't you like seeing your mother like this?

Sadly for Treyvon and Samuel the great shift was a reversible and everybody was stuck were they were.

Treyvon got used to being a hot sexy woman and enjoyed making Samuel life a misery.

They tied him to a chair and forced him to watch him making out with the entire football team & the Coach.

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