Saturday 12 November 2022

I am definitely not a good girl! (GS)

Anthony's parents were as religious as hell and they thought being a gay or homosexually is the worst thing possible, but what's worst to these righteous parents that Anthony was gay, he thought that would understand, he was wrong.

They sent to a few of those camps that could *cure* him. Be a normal heterosexual guy.

But the last few camps didn't work. So, they tried a new one. After a few weeks later. Anthony wasn't gay anymore, but Anthony changed, he wasn't Anthony was now Ashantia heterosexual girl.

Anthony's or Ashantia's parents wasn't sure what to do next, to all people who knew them they didn't have a homosexual son, but heterosexual daughter. So have adjust the fact he or she is a girl, she like boy, still. So, Ashantia's parents figure it's better to have a daughter that like boys, than a boy like boys. Maybe they raise to be a proper girl.

Ashantia wanted to experience sex as a girl. Maybe why she goes wild, because of her parents

Before Ashantia as a boy was more careful secretively. But Ashantia the girl didn't really care thou some the places weren't the greatest but, it's not impossible to seen. And this only her first week as a real girl. Imagine the first month or two, never mind her first year. Would care, or her hormones are on overdrive.

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