Tuesday 15 November 2022

He asked and I said yes..

Eddie raised his glass and said to his friends as he broke the news about his engagement: I always knew something exciting would happen to me one day.

I never thought I would have to become a woman before it happened to me.

But here I am a year after the great shift a happy engaged woman who is looking forward to being a wife and hopefully one day a mother.

All his friends who knew how much it had taken to get to this point raise their glass and wish him all the happiness in the world.



  1. Request:

    "Yes, your son finally left! I don't have to pretend to be a loving mom anymore" Amy said, a mom happy for her son's independence, although Amy wasn't the one who said those words. Ever since she moved into her house, a ghost, Jerry, had taken over her body and had pretended to be her to this day.

    1. thank you for taking the time to get in touch.
      I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.


  2. Hi, could you accept this story?

    After moving out with his single mother, Tim thought she was spending more time in work than usual. One day, he went in a magic store and a old man tells his to take a purple stone, he gave to him as a gift. The old man says the stone could granted a wish. The boys asks for his mom spend more time with him and the next morning she was more sweet and attentious with him. He went the magic store to thanks the old man but he wasn't there. A Man who works said the old man disappeared. Actually the old man, is now occuppying the mature mom body, he had all her knowledge and could perfectly impersonate her. The favorite part was to play with her body, when the son was not around he stops playing the Sweet momma.

    First day as "mom"

    One year later as mom

    1. thank you for taking the time to get in touch.
      I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.

