Monday 14 November 2022

I don't want to be a woman forever!

After two weeks of fun and enjoyment as a woman Sammy stood in front of the mirror and took his second bottle of potion.

He felt this familiar tingling as his body started to ripple.

He closed his eyes not wanting to watch the transformation and waited for the sensation to stop.

When he opened his eyes he was annoyed by what he saw.

Instead of turning him back into a man it just increase the size of breasts.

He said Look at my boobs...I'm huge.

He contacted the spells are us helpline to find out what happened.

He was not happy when they informed him that his body had reacted badly to the reversal potion and he was now woman permanently.

He screamed and shouted down the phone at the help desk person and demanded they did something about it.

The help desk person apologised and said if you read the small print in your contract when purchased your first potion from us we are not responsible for unforeseen reactions.

He was even more pissed off when they said as a sign of goodwill they would refund him his £9.99p for his potion.


  1. He enjoyed his time as a woman, but he didn't be a girl all his life. He considered what he done as vacation, temporary form being a guy, a man. For a time. So bought a special potion, that will physical and biologically a woman. He even felt like one. But enough playing girl now. It's time to be myself again.
    As he drank a bottle of the potion, he closes his eyes, then he opened them again. When effects stopped. As he opened them again, what the f----. I'm still a girl. My face looked more prettier; my breasts seem bustier. I look more feminine than before. Then I had to out why this happen to me. That didn't return to be a guy again. So, he took the other bottle and what instructions. As he went to a help desk. And asked no demanded what happen to him. It took several minutes, and some rechecking.
    Well it seem that you took the rest of transformation of being a girl. So if i the other potion I should change back to a guy again.
    Well not exactly potion and spells are tricky if take the rest of the potion, it will fix to that form for good. You be a guy, but its going to be temporary. Before he could speak, you make that mistake I'm sorry but you should read instructions.
    I, I don't want to stay like this for good. he said. Here take this, she said. What is it, he said.
    Its a potion that will help adjust to your new life as a girl now?
