Tuesday 15 November 2022

4 new perfectly little ladies.


Matthew, Daniel, Scott and William were in trouble with the law for 32 counts of vandalism.

They were made a deal by the county prosecutor.

4 years in prison or one year at an Educational School.

The lads accepted the offer.

They were sent to St Mungo School.

They thought they were going to have an easy time of it.

But that all quickly evaporated when their clothes their identity and their gender were taken away.

The boys were turned into fully functioning members of the female race.

They were told that their masculinity had brought them to the brink of incarceration and now femininity was going to save them.

They were told the rules.

The rules were simple.

1. Always answer to your female name.

2. Never leave your dorm room without makeup and your hair is perfect.

3. Always do what you are told to do by a MAN!.

4. No complaining about having to sit down to pee or your menstrual cramps.

5. Always make sure your homework is done and handed it in.

The punishment for breaking any of these rules was two months added to your sentence.

They were sent to their dormitory naked and cold to get ready for the headmaster's inspection.

They were shown to their room and helped into their new school uniforms by one of the senior students a stunning redhead.

After a lot of fighting arguing and crying the boys stood in their new dorm room in their new school uniforms feeling ridiculous and exposed.

Middle-aged angry-looking men walked into the room and shouted at them skirts up.

Not wanting to get another 2 months added they did what the man demanded.

The man shouted about turn ladies.

The man walked behind them and pulled their knickers down exposing their buttocks.

After giving each of them a good squeeze & slap he said about turn once again.

The boy stood up and turned around exposing their new vaginas to him.

By now the boys were feeling fully humiliated and disgusted with themselves.

If they were still boys they would have kicked off.

But for some reason being teenage girls made them more timid shy and frightened.

They watched in horror as the man undressed and said remove your knickers dropped to the floor and spread your legs.

Each boy in turn lost his virginity to him in pleasure and sexual delight.

The man when he was done stood up and told them if they were good they would be rewarded like this.

The boys promised him they would always be good girls.

After their sentence was up the boys begged the courts to allow them to stay as girls and to finish off their education at St Mungo's School.


  1. a crazy scientist in search for immortality, in accident discovers a way to hijack people's lives. the machine was destroyed but he splits his mind and soul into a "stepmom" and her "son". the prime host, was the mature woman.


    1. thank you for taking the time to get in touch.
      I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.

