Thursday 20 October 2022

Next time no bra!

All 19 year old James wanted to do after exercising in 18 year old Stephanie's gorgeous body was getting naked and have some fun.

But despite his best efforts he was finding it extremely difficult to get her sports bra off due to the fact it was stuck to her sweaty skin.

He said to himself in frustration how the hell does she get this off!

He struggled and struggled and struggled until he finally pulled it off releasing her beautiful bouncing breasts.

Cupping her beautiful breasts in her small Danica and he said to himself definitely worth it

He dropped her shorts and lay on the bed and started flicked her been.

He said to himself as he reach climax for the first time I think I could get used to this.


  1. James was about 19 years old barely adult, and he could possess anyone he could, so he decided to possess 18-year-old Stephine. There were several things about Stephine, one she is beautiful, well build both physically and athletically. She is a bit of excise buff. And thou James was nice enough guy and a bit nerdy and not her type. So, James decided to take over Stephine body in the middle of one of her workouts. When he entered her body. She was doing her full legs stretches, he never stretches like that in a thousand years or two years, he good at allot of things, even great on a few of them. He is surprised that he could do it now. Maybe it's a muscle memory thing, or that James could access her basic memories. After nearly 15 or 20 minutes of excise. James decided to play with herself, well that's not totally true. He means, that he is going play with her body, he's possessing. So, the first thing was to take off her sport bra off his/her body. As he tried to get it off her body. It took nearly 5 or 10 minutes off her body. How do girls can put these things on and off of off them. As finally got it off, James thought it was practice or that she done this hundreds of times. Then he peeled off her shorts. Off her waist, and finally her panties to. Then James was looking around, and his/her memory remember. An object. Oh my, she i never knew she had a dildo, I wonder why she has those things. Its problem a girl thing. So, James used her toy him/her body, after an hour or so. So, as James was lying on her bed. James decided to leave her body. With the memory intense excise routine. It a shame that I can stay her longer or take over her body for good. For now, it's for fun. I'm ready for to keep someone's body. No, I'm beginning to understand what I can do.

    1. Thank you, I wanted for him to play with his ability, for the time. I don't think that he is serious about, take over someone's form for the time, who knows if that will change probably
