Monday, 2 May 2022

Sophie Turner: requested by Josef Zápotocky

Josef was amazed & surprised when he saw who had just walked into the Coffee House where he was sacked writing his screenplay.

He went up to Sophie Turner and apologise for bothering her.

He asked if he could buy her a coffee.

Sophie accepted the coffee and sat down next to him.

The two of them started talking and Josef explain to her what is screenplay was about.

It was about a young man that wanted to be a woman so badly that he made a deal with the devil.

He offered his immortal soul for 25 years as a woman.

The man went through a lot of ups and downs in his life as a woman.

He explain by the time the devil claims his soul he had given birth to 5 Children and had a loving life.

Sophie put her hand on his and said I can see your writing a story about yourself.

She said I can tell you want to be a woman and you want it badly.

She said I can give you what you want but you have to remember it is what you want.

She kissed him on the lips and the next minute he was staring back at his own body from hers.

She saed in his voice if you want to make this permanent we have to retire to a hotel room.

Bewildered by what had just happened to him he let her take him to a hotel were they made mad passionate love all day.

She left him sleeping and set off to start her new life as a man.

Some hours later Josef awake feeling sexy please satisfied.

He noticed she had gone and so had his body.

He found he did not just have her body now but also her memories and her life experiences.

He headed back to her place to start his new life as her.

4-days after that magical day he discovered he was pregnant.

He received a letter in the post 2 days after the news was announced on the TV from the real Sophie Turner.Ccongratulations pregnancy makes everything permanent.


  1. Request story: A great shift event, puts a hobo in a single latina's mother body.


    1. thank you for taking the time to get in touch.
      I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.

