Benjamin had this dream, he this vivid dream.
It was a crazy dream.He didn't know why he dream that he was a woman.
Sure, that he dream of women before, but he felt wanted to be a woman.
Never thought about it or consisted it.
But the last few nights it was different, each time he slept, he dreamed of being her, a she, a girl.
Each time he slept he could actually, feel it, the sensation of her breast, the weight of her hair.
The emptiness, the void between her legs.
As he touched her breasts, he could feel the sensation on his feminine fingers circling her breasts.
As he moved his feminine hands to that empty space between her legs. He placed a finger or two in that void that was there.
He rubbed her clitoris, he COULD feel that sensation it so, so real.
As wave of ecstasy struck him. And he fell asleep in bliss.
As the morning sun, peer thought the window, that struck the bed.
She woke up, and remember, the dream.
It was a odd dream, she thought.
She thought that she was a man, who was dream, that he was dream that he was a woman.
But that was a strange dream, why did I think, I was a man dreaming as a women.
I always been a girl. Alina thought to herself?
Request: Donny's life went a complete chaos, since a criminal stole his stepmom body. Even his father died from mysterious causes.
thank you for getting in touch I will work on that shortly.