Friday, 22 April 2022

He looks happy.

Samantha had some important news to tell her ex-boyfriend.

She went to his workplace to see if he wanted to come for lunch and have a chat.

She entered the office and was surprised by the greeting she got.

She watched in surprise as Alan run across the office breast bouncing up and down towards her.

She was surprised to see how happy he was now.

As he had been devastated when he lost his dick & mind to the bimbo virus.

They hugged like long lost friends and she asked him how he was doing.

He looked at her and said I am totally fabulous.

I know last time you saw me I was drinking and in a bad place.

But now I'm dumb blonde and got big tits and completely happy with it.

I have two boyfriends on the go a good job as a model here and it's all because you did not give up on me like I gave up on myself.

Samantha was glad to see how happy he was and decided it was not the time to tell him it was her fault that he got the bimbo virus as she had just found out she was a genetic carrier.


  1. Request story: After his mother died, Tommy gave her body to a brain transplant, he need money. He thought a older woman was using her body, but actually was a pervert man who paid more to get the "mother's" body.

    Some pics:

    1. thank you for getting in touch I will work on that shortly.

