Sunday, 20 March 2022

Lauren cohan: requested by Josef Zápotocky

Josef wanted so desperately to be Lauren cohan.

It was so powerful and intense that he could not live his life normally.

Every waking moment of every day was filled with the shame and pity that he was not her.

One day whilst at a sideshow he went into the gypsy fortune tellers tent to get his fortune read.

The fortune teller looked at his palm and said I see great sorrow and pain in your life.

She told him that she could do something to lighten the burden on his heart.

She told him she could give him his hearts desire to be Lauren cohan.

Josef looked at her in amazement that she knew what he wanted.

He asked her what would it cost for her to give it to him.

The fortune teller looked at him and said your first born child.

Josef eagerly agreed knowing that he would not get himself knocked up for years in her body.