Saturday 12 March 2022

How has this happened?

Anthony slowly climbed out of bed. Anthony felt all wrong, he felt lighter, his was over his shoulders, his chest felt odd, funny even. And the strangely thing, was he couldn't feel it. He could feel it, his manhood. Then when he fully woke up, his was starling had a naked women starling back at Anthony.

Then he realized it. Oh, my it's, it's me. And I'm naked. He threw on a shirt on to cover is feminine body.
Before he could figure it out.
A man, who was wearing a towel over his waist and using another to dried himself off.
Anthony was going to say something.
But the man said something, before he did.
It was wonderful last night babe, you were great, but you have to leave now, I got to get ready to work.
He started to get dressed.
Anthony was still in shock, standing there half naked. He didn't know what to do. One he is a girl, an actual girl. Two he is not sure where he was. Three he or whoever he is now. He or she had sex, sex with a guy. Four he isn't where he or she lives. It more confusing that being a girl. Or who or why it happens to him.


  1. Nice mystery swap. I wonder where the girl is, and if she is equally confused or if she caused the swap?
