Saturday 12 March 2022

Getting bigger.

original story 

Michael could cope with allot of things. He could take any challenge; he was barely 64 or 65 years old. And still mentally and physically active. But if he could go back 50 years so, would he do things differently, he said yes.
In the moment, or so it happen, a strange purplish, reddish, pinkish appeared in his room.
As the mist thicken he could see anything. As the fog appeared the mist slowly disappeared again.
When the mist disappeared, he looked like child again. But not as he remembered, he had long girlish hair and style, he had a headband. He screamed a silent scream. He sounded like a girl.
Michael at first was a bit shocked, not because he is barely a teenager again.
But he could handle the fact, he is a teenager again, a girl even.
He would have to go through puberty again, but this time, it was different.
He would have to learn to wear bras, which he could deal with.
He would have keep remembering to sit to pee, which he could handle.
He would start to wear makeup, which he pretend get out his tomboy phase.
He would have started wearing skirts, dresses and heels, which would have to practice in low heels to high heels.
Then Michael would learn to about periods, and how handle them.
Michael would have learn about birth control. Which could handle that.
Michael looked at his every growing, chest, his waist get thinner, his butt was getting bigger.
Which Michael wasn't sure, that he wanted a big chest, but he had to handle it.
Which many kids his age now, was started to staring at his chest at time.
But that was the big thing about it, yes it is but, but Michael had those twinges, in his groin, he wanted one those boys, but had stop himself, a few times, the first he had those times then his female hormones, started to act up.
Before he couldn't control his lust, before he protects himself, before something he could change what happen.
He didn't know what happen, or why, his a child again, a girl, but he still had those old memories of who he was, and what the next ten or twenty from now, all the that Michael knows that, he was a girl now. With a big gap being a girl. Which he has to deal with?

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