Saturday 12 March 2022

Lili Reinhart: requested by Josef Zápotocky

original story

Josef was born in the right family and had the best teachers to help him go far, he sorta the ladies' man. He was rich and handsome, but Josef felt off, it was like, there was something wrong. He didn't know why, there was something wrong.

After some therapy, they discovered the reasons, there an experimental process, that twp. people could actually another person or gender.
Lili Reinhart was like Josef, rich, powerful and very, pretty. But she had the same problem, she had everything, but one thing a sense being it like a disguise. To pretended. So was Josef, was it was suggested, that they live as each other's bodies and gender, they were given basic knowledge and sexual conformed as each other.
So, the for a period of 12 weeks, Josef was Lilli Reinhart and Lilli was Josef, the first week or two, Josef only wore Lilli most boyish clothes, flat heels and the most plains underwear. There he started to wear more, more girly clothes, he started with the lower heels and moved up to, three to four inched heels. Then he wore the plainest dresses, skirts, blouses, nylons and he started to wear makeup and style his hair.
He even wore the more sexiest lingerie.
He liked the feel of his feminine body, the feel his breasts, the feeling between his legs, he like that empty feeling between his legs. He loved that sensation, within the second month about five or six weeks. Josef had his first feminine orgasm as a girl. Was unexpectedly pleasant enjoyable. Almost it felt naturally for Josef.
Thou it wasn't all perfect, for Josef.
There was the time the month, like periods and be pregnant?
Plus there were those men, that would look at Josef as Lilli as sex object. Or some of the guys would drool over him/her, because a tight dress or slinky dress. Partly he was embarrassed and proud at same time.
Then Josef thought probably he was secretly jealous of women in part.
Within in the last two weeks Josef, thought about it, the more he did the more he wanted to stay as actual girl, warts and all.
When he met with Lilli Reinhart, her experiences was nearly the same almost experience and word for word. Lilli said it first, I, I don't want to be a girl, I don't want to go back as one, I felt so, so nature, so normal as a guy.
Which was going to said the same thing. Nearly word of word.
So, what to do. After a day or so, they suggested that they stay as they are. There was provision of such things, if, if you decided to stay as each other. You can't switch back, if you decided to get tired being the other gender, you can't you could switch with others if you wanted.
When they heard this, they decided to being each other was the right thing to do. And we don't think we will, after a hour or so in the devices. There mind were adjust to they new bodies. After several papers were signed, both Josef signed and Lilli Reinhard signed there former names and again there new names. Josef was now Lilli Reinhard. AND Lilli Reinhard was now Josef.
Lilli as Josef asked Josef as Lilli what's next, well you could give a girl a drink, maybe spent the evening together. Until we figure our next step. She said?

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