Tuesday, 22 March 2022


Michael woke up this morning not feeling too good.

He put it down to stress and decided to ignore it.

Which turned out not to be a good idea.

As halfway through his day he felt something trickling down the inside of his legs.

He nipped into the nearest public toilets.

He locked himself in a cubicle and dropped his trousers.

There was not a lot of blood but what there was frightened him.

He guessed his new body had just started its period.

He pulled up his trousers and went to the tampon machine in the toilets.

All it offered were things you had to insert inside yourself and he was not ready for that.

He headed out of the toilets and across the road to the nearest supermarket.

He headed to the feminine hygiene aisle.

He was confused and bewildered by the vast amount of products on offer.

He stood there for a good 15 minutes just staring at the shelves not knowing what to buy.

Luckily for him one of the sales assistant spotted his dilemma and came across to see if she could offer assistance.

Look I take it you're a man in a woman's body.

I am a woman in a mans bodys so there's nothing to be embarrassed about.

I take it you just started your first period.

Let me give you some help and show you what are best to start off with.

Most men like panty liners over tampons.

Now your first couple of days are going to be heavy so you need a very absorbent pad.

Then your next couple of days will be steady so you just need a general purpose pad.

Your last couple of days will be spotty so you just need something light.

You will also need a night-time pad that will stay in place and not leak when you move about.

All this just sounded all too complicated for Michael and his male mind.

But he was grateful for the assistance.

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