Monday, 21 March 2022

Doughnuts for breakfast?


Hansel was walking in the woods, he usually kept the paths, he normally took. But there was suddenly a dark cloud front, it suddenly became gloomy and dark, and a suddenly gust of wind and dust whipped around suddenly he was turned around.

And accidently, he took the wrong path, into unknown area of woods. There are some stories its mystery place.
As he tried to find a way out of, or at lease to find a familiar path, but it was no good. Hansel couldn't find anything familiar, and it was getting dark, he had no coat to protect. From the night. There he saw a cottage in the middle of the dark woods.
He was surprised that there dwelling, a cottage there. As he approaches to the place. He thought of knocking on the door.
Before he could knock, an old man step out and noticed him, he looked fitted, but he had youthful, elderly man.
He welcome Hansel in to the fire, he came closer to the fire. His clothes were a bit damp because of mist in the air. The old man a blanket so he, dried them off. So he did.
Are you hungry now.
Hansel said yes, please.
As he handle him a plate of sweets and cookies and cup of hot chocolate. He ate them hungerly.
As he sat in chair several feet from him. He said that tomorrow morning, I will bring you home.
As he hear that, he smile, and he lay down near fire on bear skinned rug. As he lay to sleep. He felt almost pleasant maybe that he warm and comfortable, he had something to eat.
A few hours later, Hansel woke up, he felt well rested.
As he woke up, he felt different, as he saw himself in mirror. He saw a imagine of nearly naked girl there. Then that imagine of that girl was him.
Before he could say or do anything. The old man, appeared near him.
He said to lay on the table.
Which he did, he did know why, he did it. But he did.
He placed a few doughnuts and a few sweets. Next to him, he was a bit nervous, and a bit hungry again.
It's a shame that you came, and found my place, oh well, you will do.
As he heard this he was curious, about what he said.
So, with some modification and some magic, you will do.
I know what your thinking, when I leave, you suddenly run down the path, and find a path that you regularly take.
You can forget it; Hansel are you hungry take a bit. Which he did, he felt euphoric and obediently, you can't go without having some several, want it, you need it.
You eventually, will be comfortable as my mate Gretel.
Who is Gretel, he thought? As he laid there taking another bit.

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