Saturday 5 March 2022

A second chance at life.


The last thing, Richard did remember, was that he free falling over 10 or 12 thousand feet. And at that moment, he was on the ground. Standing in the middle of sunlit glade. Which it was a surprise, a shock possible. What equally shocking, he was nearly half naked, and he was a girl, a female, a woman.

A brunch of glowing yellow, white lights, were buzzing around then a whisper a voice from one of those lights, were talking to Richard.
You, you entered one of our doors in the sky.
Why, why am I here, he said, in a masculine feminine tone. Richard said.
Like I said, you enter one of our doors. Your cloth, that could saved you did not work. You were luck that you when threw our doors, the light said.
Who, who are you, Richard said?
Iam queen of the Faries, as the light grew and changed shape into human-like woman, with wings, she was dresses like a princess, or queen.
Then for some reason Richard kneeled. As he kneeled, he was given a necklace a Toric. On his neck, a arise.
You will be one of my elven maidens of the woods. As I rose my life as Richard disappeared the moment, my shoot did not open. And I appeared in this world.
Welcome Ava maiden. As I rose the queen started to turn into ball of light flew off.
I slowly walked to the woods, and I disappear into the woods. I was enjoying the woods. I wondered what my life would became, was it fate, maybe I'm not Richard not anymore, I Ava?


  1. Can you please start including links to the original stories? I know you used to do it but for some reason you stopped. It's not that useful of a label if you can't read the original version. It would be nice if you could start doing it again. Could you Please resume adding the links?

  2. Thank you very much for adding the links. It's also great to know you're so proactive to comments. I have another request. Could you go back and add links to previous stories as well? I know it might be tedious but it would be very helpful as well. Once again, Thank you for responding to my request of returning to including the links to the stories.

    1. I will do my best to go back over the previous stories and add links to them.

