Friday 12 November 2021

The lamp: requested by Anonymous

53 year-old lorelai could not believe how bad her life have become.

Her husband had just divorced her.

Even though he was the one cheating on her with a 22-year old topless cocktail waitress he got the bulk of their fortune.

So she was left with next to nothing for her and their son to live on.

As she had never had to worry about money before her life did not change.

Which left her with massive amounts of debt.

She had no choice but to start selling off her family heirlooms.

As she sorted through packing cases in the seller she came across one box which had a note written on it.

The note said do not open!

She ignored the note & open the case.

Inside was a filthy Turkish looking oil lamp.

She turned it over and spotted some symbols on the bottom.

She picked up a rag off the floor and started to wipe it.

A puff of smoke billowed out of the lamp and a genie stood in front of her.

She did not believe what she was seeing at first.

She thought she had gone mad.

The genie thanked her for freeing him from the lamp.

The Genie offered her three wishes.

Without thinking she wish for power, money and some how to get back at her husband.

The Genie snapped his fingers three times.

She found herself no longer sitting in the basement in her middle-age body.

She found herself in her ex-husband's body pounding his new mistress.

She felt herself ejaculating for the first time as a man.

It was powerful energetic and incredible.

She slid out of the young woman.

She rolled off the bed and grabbed her husband's clothes.

She dressed rapidly and headed home.

She let herself in and found her own body standing there naked waiting for her.

She asked what the hell was going on.

Her body looked at her and said.

You wish to have revenge on your husband and I have given you his body.

You wish to be rich you are rich.

You wish to be strong and powerful you are strong and powerful.

I hope you did not mind that I took your body and maed myself human once again.

She asked not really wanting to know the answer where her ex-husband was?

The Genie in her body just smiled and said he is in my lamp waiting for somebody to release him.

The Genie in her body said now are you going back to his mistress or are you staying here as my husband and father to your son?

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