Saturday 13 November 2021

Maybe this wasn't the right idea? By Rhodry

Elsie wasn't your typical person, despite being 21-year old girl. She was a powerful witch. And has the wisdom that was much older than looks like.

She can to do great things for others, either minor and major changes for people.
Her boyfriend was different, not in the same way as her. But she could feel his aura, his energy field it didn't fit him. She knew it.
It took him barely 23 years of his life, He decided wants to be like Elise to be girl.
He decided not to dress up like a girl time to time. But to be one. Charlie told his girlfriend this. She told him that she wasn't surprised.
She asked if you wanted to go though the whole route, especially the you know what.
Charlie said that he had no choice, but it felt like he wouldn't truthy complete. That he would be more like a girl , but not like a girl. He said that it was the only choice to feel right.
Then Elise said that, she could help. TO help him be one completely, on a physical, biological, genetic level. Plus mentally , emotionally, plus your memories will both as a girl and former male memories. Plus I can change your history and your perception as a girl. Beside me and you, everyone knows you as a girl.
If it was possible I would except it , in a heartbeat Charlie said.
I can, I will be able to do it. Elise said. It will take a day to alter you to your new gender.
Why would it take that long. He asked.
I need to do this right, I need to change reality to that people that you know and have know as a girl. Then and now, when they see you, they act normal like you been one since you were boring one.
The weekend was upon so you'll have a day, to adjust to.
Friday night. He slept, he slept normal. As he woke late Saturday night. Or early Sunday morning. Charlie was Charlie no more. She was now Clara, that was the name she choice. Or the name she was born with. It was confusing a bit. She was a complete, 100 percent girl. The only that she still like girl. She was a lesbian, with a bit bi-sexually mixed in, but she mostly into a girls.
As Sunday morning was upon, her at first she looked at her body. Her feminine body. Then she choice first dress to wear. To but on makeup , to wear the heels. It felt so natural, so right about it. So normal. Her life as basically the same with some changes.
Which Clara discovered when return to work. She did work in the place and same department. But she wasn't in charge of the department. She more of assistant.
Also her opinions, were consider minor or secondary. That she did not have skills or talent which wasn't true. She at the same as before. She became a actual girl.
She did the same work as she did before, even the same quality as before. But when she got paid about nearly about 30 to 40 less than before.
Then Clara's experience her first menstrual cramps in the most worst time. She was in a meeting, When she experience it wasn't the most pleasant experience's she had. But she had she first one, about fourteen years old about nine years ago. Technical yes and no.
Plus she had keep quiet, her options when shot down quickly , or ignored, because, she was doing working in a man's career, and man's job. To them she would be the second class, the underling, the one who does the works, of her better. As she was told, and told, dozen times, a day.
Thou Clara felt normal as a girl, but she fling into it, the deep end of society with all the good and bad things being a girl.
She wondered that being a girl, than pretend to be one, was the best thing to do.
When Clara asked her girlfriend, to change her back to her old life.
She said sorry, I can't you been a girl , complete a girl, longer than averaged. SO even if I wanted to I can't. Things set are set you are who you should be, she said.
You mean, I'm a girl. Now and forever the good and bad and ugly.
So Clare, I know, that its a big adjustment, its not fair. You have to adjust to it.


  1. I have a request: A young man ventures into a goodwill store searching for clothes to aid his closet cross dressing when he stumbles upon a dress. He takes it and goes home to try it on only it then turns him into whoever wore it last as he turns into a buxom woman with a very noticeable belly bump. He comes to realize that this dress and the other clothes there were possibly enchanted. Seeing this as a great learning experience he goes back and buy a collection of attire changing into various women who wore said clothing before

    1. Matt was a crossdresser, a very convincing one, with practice and the right body shapers. And wigs and jewelry. He could pass you by in the mall, or you see that pretty girl there. It could be Matt. Oh yes, thou he is barely twenty-something. He in is guy mode and girl mode you could swear that it was the different. But you were wrong.
      He like to go to those second-hand or specialty shop. He could always find find something he could used, that dress he was looking for. He was good at it, and at bargain prices. He found a sorta goodwill store/specialty store.
      The shopkeeper deals in special type of clothing, shoes, jewelry than always fit perfectly to the buyer. He thought, it was strange that he said that. But Matt looked at the size, and thought with some adjustments. He could make it fit perfectly. He didn't know why, he liked it, probably, he could jazz it up, or add to make it more dressy casually.
      There times, at Matt wished, that didn't want always put on those body enhancements. That he adjust wear just, some lingerie, shoes, enough makeup to look pretty. So he just put it on. So just because, something happen. When he put it on somehow, it adjust or his body adjusted to dress, he could feel his fill in the cups, his penis, seem, adjust into a sorta a vagina, his appearances looked more feminine, his sounded more feminine. His shaped was more feminine, more nature. He should been shocked, he acted liked was natural to be a girl. It was like the clothes were enchanted. But that was possible, how could he turn into a girl. A actual girl. so he tested out his theory first he removed his dress he bought, and he turned back to his guy mode. Then he when out in his special dress. He enjoyed being a girl. For a time. After that night, he returned, a few days later to that special shop.
      The shopkeeper, recognized the guy bought, one of his item for himself. He should been shocked and surprised. Like the shopkeeper, Matt knew that he knew.
      He came by get some more. Things like dresses, skirts, jewelry. As he try to put it on it was ever to loose and too small.
      He couldn't understand why, either you must try it on in booths or to buy it, its is special and readjust to the new owners.
      But how, how could it be. He said.
      Just say I can, you want it. You have to own it. So each time he bought, a new, dress, a piece of jewelry. He change into a combine of different women each time. Matt loved that he be a girl by just wearing a special item. But there was certain things he couldn't do.

    2. Hi Shadow.
      I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.


