Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Stay calm and be girly. By Rhodry

The police in Tokyo had problems they couldn't understand how or why it happen, how the drugs were being deal there. With all safe guard , all ways to protect people. It didn't work. They had there ideas of who.

But they weren't sure. So they sent a young police officer who, was about 27 years old. But could pass for a teenager.
So he was send undercover, to school.
He assumed he would be a teacher, or student-teacher or maybe a maintenance staff.
But he follow out he would be a student, not a male student. But female student.
Thou he could pass as a girl. Even he done it, it private and those times he get away with it. Like special shows and conventions like that.
But he had to actually be a girl, not look like one. He had be a girl physically, biologically, with some basic knowledge of being a girl. The sexual comfort of being one.
Then he was transfigured in a girl. How it was done , that was a secret in itself.
The few days he play a school girl, he was both enjoying it, and a bit nerve at same time. The second day he fond out. a schoolgirl the cause maybe, or link in the chain.
He had follow her to PE, which he had to.
Now he had a problem, well sorta, a problem, he had to take PE as a girl, a girl. Seen half naked girls. Teenage girls to. Cause him a problem. Which caused difficultly. A part or him, he wasn't a girl. Another part of him make it awkward to undress in front a brunch of girls. He felt they knew or staring at him.


  1. Request: Thomas life is a living hell right now, things were a little confusing. First his crush appeared in his house naked, after his neighbor and even his mom were acting weird. What bem doesn't know, his old and creepy neighbor is a shapeshifter. He loves to prank people and messing with their Lucas by morphing in a exact copy of their bodies and even could mimic perfectly their mannerisms. He transforms into the copy of Thomas crush, his neighbor and his mom. Thomas mom was his favorite form, he spends more time as her.

    The Crush.

    The neighbor

    Thomas mom


    1. Thomas life is starting to get weird even strange. And even confusing. First the girl that he had a bit of crush on her. Then for some reason, she started to strip naked in front of him. And started to kiss like a sex-starved teenager. And then she acted differently, even the way she dressed before was different.
      But that wasn't all that strange, maybe. Then his mother acted differently to. The way she dresses and acted wasn't really her. It was like her personally totally turned around a 180 degrees, and back. Even some the other women were acting odd too.
      Which was started to bother him to know ends. Was that they ate something different, or odd. Did they drink something that was odd, like some wine or bottled water. Nothing add up. If it was the food or drink, why wasn't he effected.
      The truth was that strange neighbor. Lucas was his name. Each time you see him, you could swear that he looked slightly different. But when you look again a minute later you could swear it changed a moment ago. But he put to not pay attention, Lucas was pranker, and a shifters ( which means that he shapeshifting into other people). Lucas loved the to this, for some reason he wanted to mess with Thomas's mind, so much to question. That if he was crazy, or it really happen to him.
      Maybe I'll try to give him a BJ as his crush, or one the other neighbors. Or maybe his mother.
      Such many ways to mess with his mind.
