Thursday 18 March 2021

No getting rid of me that easily! requested by Anonymous.


Thomas Was a parasite.

He was a body Hopper who had lost his own body.

Which meant he was constantly having to jump from person to person

Never settling down for more than 12 months at a time.

He preferred to hop middle-aged women.

He found their lives and bodies extremely exciting.

But his last body hop was more out of necessity then choice. 

So he had just spent the last 12-months trapped in a teenage boys body.

Dreaming about the boys gorgeous mother and what he would love to do to her body.

So the minute he felt his consciousness preparing to jump he made sure this time he was next to his preferred target.

The young lad was happy to have control over his body and life again until he discovered where Thomas had gone.

Mummy what are you doing?

You really thought I had gone away.

Well your mother's body was just too gorgeous to pass up on.

It will only be for 12 months.

So unless you're going to join me you can run along and let  mummy have some privacy?


  1. Thomas was bare twenty years old maybe a little younger. By accident, he suddenly found out that, he could switch bodies. Or better yet possess them. he hear or stories, such people, these people could switch or possess another person. And thought them just stories, fables, myths. He looked up, the stories of these people.
    It was believe that there special people that could do it.
    That could change the world so it goes.
    But Thomas , to himself that it could help him. Live how he should, he was cheated in live. That some people get it, because they were the right people.
    So Thomas decided have some of it for himself. At first choice to take-over a people for a day or so. Then a week. They believe that drank to much. Or had a black out.
    He choices victim well , with people who were flakey, odd that were ignore.
    And that was about nearly 20 years ago. He jump into people much longer, than before, but never stayed for a long time maybe six months or longer.
    This time he choice a body of middle woman. Thou he choice young twenty or thirty something girls. These one was much older. More mature woman. The one choice still looked like twenty or so.
    He couldn't believe that he was in such a beautiful mature women. I think I'll stay in her for much longer maybe a year. Or longer. I been much younger girls before, but these mature women. Have a special sexual aura about them , well at lease this one.

  2. Great story, could you give us a last chapter? I would like to know will happen to Thomas in her body or if he steals somebody's mom body in the future.
