Thursday 18 March 2021

This that Sophia Lillis doing community service? requested by Josef Zápotocky

Josef had gone off the deep end at first.

It was a massive thing to get your head around.

One minute you were a teenage boy dreaming of teenage girls and the next you were a teenage girl yourself and you were dreaming of teenage boys.

But that was not the most difficult part of his body swap that was because he was now in the body off Sophia Lillis who everybody recognised and expected him to be like.

But now almost six months after the great shift he had settled down into his new body and identity and was starting to see the positive side of being her.


  1. Thanks you for request And i am looking forward to next of my requests youre great

  2. Could you do one story, that One kid breaks a old inherited vase, few days later his mim begins to act weird, talking alone in other language. Unfortunaly for the boy, his mom's body was taken by one powerful Wizard, that is using her body as his host, and likes to play with her nude perfect body.

    1. thank you for taking the time to get in touch.
      I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.

