Wednesday 17 March 2021

I had heard of girls getting this sort of thing but I have never seen one in the flesh before.


17-year old Jeremy who was now in the body of 18-year old Rebecca was astonished to find when he pulled down her trousers and knickers how ornately decorated her pussy was especially since she did not come across as a type of girl who would.


  1. Jeremy was about 17-years ago. Now was in a body 18-year old Rebecca. He thought it wasn't real, so was stupid, a shock yes. So he pulled down her trousers down, then her knickers down to.
    No, no its real. I, I had a vagina now, then he raised her blouse now. Then he felt them. Oh, no, no, no I had breast. My, My voice, I , I voices so girlish.
    What, what going on here, the voice.
    I'm a girl.
    Well of course you are dear.
    But what are you doing.
    I , I was going to change out of these trousers.
    Also your knickers too.
    Yes, I want to change my underwear too. He said. Quick save. He thought.
    You have to be more careful now. Only loose girls do that. Your not that kind of girl.
    I'm sorry about he said. I have to be more careful. I'm a girl now.
