Tuesday 16 February 2021

Crime never pays

Antique bookseller Jeremy had been hired by a young couple who were selling off their fathers book collection after his death.

Most of the books were not worth a great deal of money.

But there was one that could fetch a good price at a specialist auction.

It was a first edition of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

Not wanting to have to pay what the book was worth he slipped it into a pile of other books that were worthless.

He told the couple there was not anything of real value.

He told them that he had picked out a few books he would like for his own collection.

He told them he would give them $300 for the stack of books he had put to one side.

Believe what Jeremy said they did not even check the box he was taking away.

Jeremy was feeling wonderful that night he had gotten away with it
There was definitely a good profit in this one.

He went to bed that night feeling wonderful.

As he slept he dreamt the book he had stolen opened and he was sucked into the pages.

He dreamt he had been transformed into Dorothy.

It was only when he tried to wake up from his dream he discovered the dream was not a dream and he was definitely not in Kansas anymore.


  1. Jeremy sorta of antique bookseller or sorts. He was good, really good at it. But wanted that rare find, that would made him, well-known in the antiques world.
    But he want that special find, something really special.
    But he's not willing pay for it. He willing cheat, lie, or say its old, not special.
    Then found a rare copy of the Wizard Of Oz. In place out of the ordinary. In a house that was seen better days. They wanted to see what of value.
    He told it was a second copy of it. Thou it was old but not truly rare. So it could have some minor value.
    So he pay they them , that far, far less of what its worth.
    He tricky them, he got, a rare find. A special find. And he got away with it.
    Has checked in new ill gotten gain .
    He was thinking of what to do with it. Who would paid, awful lot of money for the original copy of them.
    He was checking it out. to be sure. Of the quality of it was excellent.
    When he check it out. Again he fell and again.
    He dream a strange dream. He was walking in a field , then he saw a grove of trees. And a hole in a hill.
    He enter the hole, then when he exited the other end of it.
    Then he saw a small pond. And saw reflection. It wasn't him.
    If that was the correct words, to said. He looked like a girl in a old-fashion dress. He ever sounded like one.
    Then he heard voice, in the trees.
    Welcome, welcome Dorothy, welcome to Oz.
    Who , are you. Where are you.
    Then a figure started to appear, it looked like a large cat with a human like face it could talk.
    Who, what are you.
    Just to say that your not in Kansas anymore.
