Wednesday 27 January 2021

I didn't know this would happen.

Sarah on the right did not expect this to happen to her boyfriend Samuel on the left when he put on the pregnancy simulating belly she had bought him so he could better understand what she was going through carrying their child.


  1. Sara told Samuel that he couldn't understand what it felt. To be pregnant. He couldn't understand the felling of being pregnant. The days, the weeks , the months. Of it. He couldn't understand the sudden shift of feelings, the mode swings, the strange tastes of things.
    After He put on that pregnancy belly was put on. With some of her clothes. It seem that it looked so real it was like he was pregnant too.
    It going to be a long, long 6 or 7 months of going threw this.
    And the joke of this even this could take it off. It will take a few for sensation it to go away.
