Wednesday 22 April 2020

Race memory.

After years of searching Sir Edmund had found the entrance to the ancient temple of the Inca goddess Mama Alpha in an abandoned gold mine which the locals said did not exist.

After many days of digging, he found his way into what was left of the ceremonial chamber.

He saw a beautiful golden Idol sitting out in the open beckoning to him to take it.

After making sure there were no booby-traps he reached out and touched it.

The minute his fingers touched it the strangest thing happened to him.

He found himself transformed into a beautiful young woman with only one thing on his mind having babies and bringing the Incas back from extinction.


  1. I love that!!!!

    It reminds me of something that Elena posted for me.

    Did you mean for the goddess' name to be "Mama Allpa" or, maybe, just "Allpa"? I hadn't heard of Inti but I just looked it up.

    1. Did you mean for the goddess' name to be "Mama Allpa" or, maybe, just "Allpa"? I hadn't heard of Inti but I just looked it up.

      I just looked at the one your friend did for you and it is very good & yes I cannot believe I go my gods and goddesses that teaches me to write when I am too tired.

      In a later myth, Inti is the son of the Earth goddess Pachamama and the sky god pachahiq. Inti also becomes the second husband of his mother, Pachamama the Earth goddess.

    2. Thanks!

      I love that kind of story and have very much enjoyed all the ones you have done like that! Goddesses possessing/transforming/using men!

