Monday 13 April 2020

My ups and downs: requested by Anonymous (Sunday)

Charles was secretly in love with his BFF Susan.

He knew she would never feel the same way about him as she is a lesbian so not into boys.

But love always finds a way to blossom & for Charles that day was the day he decided to rip up the old linoleum floor in his kitchen.

He found a secret cavity in his kitchen floor.

Inside the cavity was old strong box.

Which did not take long to get open.

Inside the box was a load of old love letters a dried Rose and an old coin.

Curiosity getting the better of him he opened the bundle of love letters & started reading them.

The letters were from his great grandfather and great grandmother.

It told him the rose was from the day they got married & the coin would give you your greatest desire if your heart was pure.

All he had to do was to put the coin underneath his pillow when he went to bed and think of what he wanted the most in the world and if he was deserving of it he would get it.

He did not know why that night when he went to bed he did what the letters told him to do.

He climbed into bed with the coin beneath his pillow and dreamy he and Sarah were in a loving relationship.

He awoke the next morning and found everything had changed

His room look liked the room of a young woman.

His body felt and looked like one of a young woman too.

His mind was full of memories of being a young woman.

As far as the world was concerned he had always been a woman named Carla.

For the first few days of his new life it was like being on autopilot his body took care of him making sure he washed and fed himself until his body and mind became one.

Resigned to his new life as a woman he decided to go and see what Sarah thought of the new him.

To his surprise Susan had the hots for him.

It did not take long before they were having their first date

It did not take long before they were having their first kiss.

It did not take long before they were heading back to Carla's place for fun.

Carla was nervous doing it as a woman with a woman.

As last time she had done it she was still a man with a strong hard cock between her legs.

After 6-months of the most incredible sex and love making everything came to a crashing halt when she walked in on Sarah making out with another woman which put an end to their relationship.

So Carla found herself single for the first time.

Now all alone in the world she found herself feeling uncomfortable and for the first time since his transformation he misses the reassurance that came with having a penis instead of a vagina

He realities now that his mined was not clouded by the feelings of love there was a few things he missed about being a man.

Like not having to sit down to pee and having a period and the thought of having sex with a man and getting pregnant just sent cold shivers down his spine.

But on the other hand there was some things he did like about being a woman.

His new cute looks mead him one of the most desired girls in the local lesbian community.

So he did not find it hard to find a new girlfriend or two to make him feel happy in his new life as a woman.

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