Monday 13 April 2020

Amber Heard: requested by Josef Zápotocky

Josef had no idea if it was going to work.

According to the witches potion recipe the woman's own urine was the last ingredient he needed to add to become her.

He closed his eyes and down the whole entire glass.

He passed out not long after drinking the potion and awoke to a whole new world.

A world where he was now Amber Heard.


  1. Please could you do a body swap with a boy named josef where he fall asleep at the beach and wakes up as Emilia Clarke and is the middle of bra shopping and josef has no idea what to do but then her memories start coming to him and then it all fells natural. When he gets home he thinks about finding a solution to this but starts to enjoy his new body and in a months time he can't remember who he was anymore.

    1. thank you for getting in touch I will work on that shortly.

