Monday 13 April 2020

A day out he would never forget: requested by Anonymous (Sunday)

It was George's first trip abroad without his family.

He had decided to take a vacation to Tokyo Japan as a personal treat for passing his final exams.

One of the things he really wanted to do whilst he was there was go to Yomiuri Land Water Amusement Island.

The second day he was there he brought his ticket online and caught the local bus to the water park.

Whilst sitting on the bus by himself listening to all of the excited people around him not understanding a word any of them was saying he spotted something shiny stuck to the floor of the bus.

He reached down and pulled it off the floor.

It was a strange looking token with a hole through it and a piece of string so you could wear it like a necklace.

He did not know why but he had the impulse to put it on and forgot all about it.

After about an hour and a half he arrived at the water park.

He thanked the driver as he climbed off the bus and walk towards the automated ticket machines to collect his ticket.

After collecting his ticket he went through the turnstiles and bumped into a group of giggling girls who were now just exiting the park.

In the near miss one of the girls drop the towel which had inside of it her one piece bathing costume.

The young girl picked her towel up but did not notice her swimming costume had fallen out.

George grabbed it and was just about to shout her when the medallion around his neck touched the wet fabric of the bathing costume and started a strange reaction.

Feeling like he was going to be sick he ran into one of the single changing rooms to his right wear to his astonishment he noticed his body changing.

He watched as his trousers fell down and his underpants.

He watched as his legs became slender his hips became wider and his penis became a vagina.

He frantically tried touching the medallion to several different items of his clothing which did absolutely nothing.

He kicked off his trainers which were now too big for his little feet and the T-shirt that was too big.

He stared at his reflection in the mirror not believing the beautiful Japanese girl looking back at him was himself.

He could not help himself from feeling up his new body which made him squeal with surprise.

He was brought back to reality when somebody knocked on the changing room doors and ask him in Japanese which he could now understand Soko wa subete daijōbudesuka (Is everything ok in there) in his head he replied I'll be out in a minute but what came out of his mouth did not sound like that (Sugu demasu).

He put on the damp one piece bathing suit he had as it was the only thing that would fit the body he now had.

He was surprised by how tight fitting it was around his new empty crotch.

He shoved his clothes into his backpack before exiting the changing rooms and finding himself a locker.

He put everything in and went to do what he had come here to do.

After about 3 hours of playing in the water with himself and watching the other girls he decided it was time to head back to his hotel.

Japanese Daily Girls on Twitter: "#MoemiKatayama #片山萌美… "

He climbed out of the pool put his towel around himself and went to collect his items from the locker.

When he got to the locker and inserted his key he was surprised to find his clothes had vanished and he had nothing to wear but what he was already wearing.