Monday 20 April 2020

Going out in style: requested by Anonymous part 1 (Sunday)

79 year old CEO R.T Dinsmore only had two weeks left to live.

He was surprised to receive in the mail a brochure for a company called going out in style.

It was offering the perfect way to pass away.

It offered to transfer your consciousness into a young fit and healthy body so you can enjoy the last 7 days of your life doing things you did not have time to do.

He thought it was some sort of scam but something about it made him phone them.

The company already knew about his predicament through his medical insurance company and that's why they were offering him this special service.

So for 1.6 million of his massive fortune he was given seven days in the body of a fit and healthy young cloned bodies.

The only drawback was at this point in time they only had 5 bodies for him to pick from and they were all female.

But that did not seem to bother him one bit as like a lot of men he had always wondered what it was like to be a woman.

So for the last 7 days of his life he was going to be a young and healthy sexually active woman with no boundaries or limits.

Melisa Dancing Naked


  1. I didn't think you read my comment, thanks a lot.

    ¿Can you do a sequel and every Sunday
    you describe every of the 7 days in detail?

    For example
    day 1:
    He went to every night club he found

    1. I read all comments and even though I don't always get round to them straight away they are kept on a list & I'll see what I can come up with for you nexts.

  2. It is going to be a busy seven days.
