Monday 20 April 2020

Cinderella: requested by Anonymous (Sunday)

30 year old Ryan was really into Disney movies. 

His favorite film and princess was Cinderella.

So when he spotted in the hill local second-hand shop a 70th anniversary edition DVD of Cinderella he had no choice but to purchase it for his collection.

The first thing he did was frozen microwavable popcorn in and set up his DVD player.

He settled down on the couch and waited for the DVD menu to come up.

The DVD worked fine but when he got to the main menu there was no bonus features to be found except one called 'Wearing the glass slippers'.

Ryan clicked on the option thinking it was a DVD commentary.

But noticed almost immediately something was wrong.

As his TV screen started to glow and pulsate.

Mesmerize by what was happening he did not notice the almost transparent hand reach out for him until it was too late.

He found himself being pulled inside his own TV.

He found himself staring across a snowy expense lit only by starlight and moonlight.

He heard a familiar voice saying the words bibbidy bobbidy boo.

Just like that he looked down at himself and saw the iconic Cinderella dress enveloped him.

He gasped at what was happening to him.

He looked over to an old water fountain and found himself unable to stop himself from picking up his new dress.

It was so beautiful he let out a squeal of delight.

He was taken aback by his new female voice.

He did not know how to make sense of what was now happening to him.

He just could not believe that he had become a Disney character.

A Disney Princess no less and felt like a kid again & was getting to experience the story of Cinderella from her own point of view.

He was brought back to reality when one of the three fairy godmothers standing in front of him asked 'Cinderella' it is time to go to the ball.

With a look of excitement on his face Ryan danced around like you never had done before lifting his dress and twirling towards the carriage which was prepared to take him to the palace.


  1. This part was nicely written, there is only one more part to go.

    While sitting inside the carriage waiting to be taken to the palace Ryan looks down at the glass slippers he was wearing and thought about how comfortable they were to wear, he sees that the palace is close in the distance and is excited to meet Prince Charming.

    When he arrives Ryan notices how quiet it is outside and enters the palace entrance, Ryan looks at the giant stairs in the middle of the room and goes up to see if the prince was around, he looks off the edge of a bannister and can see how huge the room is and was wondering if there were larger rooms inside the palace, Ryan turns around and was about to go through a door when the prince shows up and bows to Ryan, he says forgive me for startling you Madame but would you care for a dance?

    Ryan was surprised but excited to see Prince Charming standing in front of him and said yes I would be honored, the two of them started to do a slow dance, Ryan was mesmerized by the prince and felt like he had been put under a spell as he couldn't look away from him and had a big smile on his face as he and the prince both danced the night away.

    Once they got outside Ryan and the prince stopped dancing and the prince told Ryan how beautiful he was and then asked Ryan for his name, Ryan then took a step back and quickly remembered who he actually was and knew that somehow this was wrong, he told the prince that he shouldn't be here and that this cannot be true, but the prince then told Ryan how he has fallen in love with him and promises Ryan that he will be treated like a princess for the rest of his life should he want to marry the prince, Ryan started to think about this possibility and figured that nobody knew who he really was before becoming Cinderella, plus he really loved the idea of being Cinderella and getting to wear her dresses, so he said yes to the princes proposal and they both kissed.

    The next day the Prince and Ryan were getting married at the Royal palace, they both said their vows and placed their wedding rings on each other's fingers, after being officially married as husband and wife Ryan and Prince Charming ran down the stairs of the palace towards their carriage, as the carriage started to move Ryan was waving at all the people happy for him, he found out that maybe this was meant to happen after all as he was truly happy to be Cinderella and went to kiss Prince Charming as Ryan knew he had gotten his happily ever after.

  2. I have the gifs for this last part here, thank you:
