Sunday 12 April 2020

I hate everything about it.

Thomas could not see what was so great about it.

He did not care that he now had the chance to experience it.

He could not understand why his mother was trying to convince him to keep it.

As far as he was concerned this was the worst thing that could ever happen to an 18 year old boy and as soon as it was out of him he was getting rid of it and getting his life back on track.


  1. Thea was right she hated everything about it and it meaning her old life you see shortly after this conversation with her mother her water broke and she was whisked to the hospital to give birth. BUT this story starter 12 months ago when a chemical spill change Thomas into Thea she was living that hate remembering being a guy now in a fully functional female body. her/his best friend got him/her drunk and had sex then Thea found out she was pregnant. She kept it a secret till she could not hide it any more but found out it was to late for an abortion so she was having to go full term and deliver the baby. Jump months later Thea is now in the hospital bed being taught to breastfeed before the baby was brought in the nurse was use to the young girls staying they hated it and wanted nothing more to give up the baby BUT the nurse was 100% right that the girl in question after breastfeeding their baby they would get bonded and this time was no different you see after Thea breastfeed her baby daughter and the nurse took the sleeping baby back to the nursery Thea told her mom that she was right and she wanted to keep the child and would she want to be called Grandma, Me'Ma or Grammie.
