Wednesday, 12 February 2020

You stay there sugar and leave this to the men.

Professor R.J Michael's sat on the front seat of the Jeep with his legs over the side annoyed that the men who knew who he really was would not let him come with them to examine the crater.

Where the meteorite which had swapped him and his female lab assistant who was now in hospital in his body in a state of shock just because this was not work for a woman and as far as they were concerned he was a woman now.


  1. hey friend are we gonna see a sequel to It had never happened to him before
    I left an idea for it in

    1. Hi yes.
      it's on my to-do list and I will try and get round to it this Sunday

      Awesome story friend!Now that Jim is permeanantly a pregnant woman i see him enjoying the perks of adulthood and befriending his old mother and teachers and enjoy how they treat him as an equal unbeknownst to them its actually a teen stuck in the grown womans body!

      Maybe the new Jim touches the clothes of the old Jims midwife and would be interesting if the new Jim gets to see the original Jim settle into the pregnant life and help him with his yoga or something.

    2. Thanks! I look forward to it!
