Friday, 14 February 2020

Making Money.

Job sharing and body sharing was becoming a big thing especially for students who wanted to make quick money.

Tony 19 years old studying medicine wanted to make quick money so signed up with one of the on-campus agencies.

He told them that he wanted to make quick cash as fast as possible and he did not care how.

They explained to him he could be swapped with anybody and any job.

They explained to him how much he was likely to receive from the swap.

60% of what you made was yours.
25% went to the person whose body you were in.
15% went to the agency hosting them.

They paired him with another student 19-year old Rebecca who was studying childcare & was paying her way through College by stripping and who was getting a little bit behind on her college work.

They both agreed to the swap and whilst he took a couple of her shifts at the club she was able to catch up on her studies.

Even after paying everybody else I will still be raking it in.


  1. Great caption,hope to see more
    captions of paired job
    sharing by bodyswap.
