Tuesday 5 November 2019

That used to be me!

Alison almost screened  when she spotted her old body in the crowd.

She could not believe how much it had changed since the last time she had seen it.

She could not believe how confident the person who was in it was.

She felt nervous going across to talk to whoever was in her old body but she needed to know who had ended up in there.

She was amazed & somewhat disgusted to find out it was a 45-year old man.

She did her best not to imagine all the things he had been doing to her former body.

They exchanged numbers and promise to keep in touch.

They went their separate ways.

She could not stop herself thanks to her testosterone from turning around to watch her former perfect ass wiggle down the street.


  1. Ha! Yeah! I'm pretty sure that would happen under such circumstances!! Very imaginative!!! I also like the way you have Alison being disgusted and then turning around and doing exactly the category of thing she was disgusted with! I think I can see a hook-up happening soon. Are you thinking of a sequel?


  2. How about:

    She could not stop squirming on the bus-ride home as thinking about that sight stopped her briefs from fitting properly but she couldn't adjust herself in public.

    After she got home, she couldn't stop looking through pictures of herself in her former body.

    She couldn't stop wishing she had let people take pictures of her in sexier poses while she had still had that body or that she had taken some racier selfies.

    She couldn't stop thinking about how the guy who was now female in her body had reacted to her when she approached him. Did he really seem to like her in her current male body? Was his smile with her mouth as big as she remembered? Were her nipples really as erect and obvious as she thought she remembered? Was the guy just trying to be polite and was her former body just cold. Was that the reason her "headlights were on" as she and her friends used to call it when their nipples were poking through their tops for any reason?

    Was it possible that he in her body was actually turned on by and flirting with her in her current male body?

    No, she was thinking about it too much! Obsessing! Stupid! She was vain both for being so turned on by her own ass, and smile, and nipples, and mmmmm! And also for thinking that she now had a chance with . . . Aarghh!!!

    But, wouldn't she be interested in a guy like she currently was and hadn't it been his idea to exchange numbers and hadn't he asked her to promise to keep in touch?

    Alison grabbed her phone and called the number before she had a chance to think anymore.

    "I was hoping you would call!" came the sound of her former voice over the phone. "Um, can we, please, see each other . . . like right now?"

    Alison trembled in her current male body. Was this really going to happen?

    [Where it goes from here could depend on whether you can find any other pics of that girl or one who looks similar enough to continue the story.]

