Tuesday 5 November 2019

Got to get it together.

Sam knew he could not continue living like this.

He could not continue sleeping in his car and using the facilitys at the restaurant where he worked as a waitress forever.

He needed to get his shit together and get his life back on track.

He had to stop feeling sorry for himself as there was a lot worse things that could have happened to him then ending up in a gorgeous 20-something year old woman's body and being kicked out of his home by his wife who refuse to believe it was just a random event and insisted on that he must have been having an affair with this woman for him to be in her body.

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  1. Sam and his wife might benefit from some make-up sex but he will have to be honest with her and will have to remember to court her properly. It might be both easier and harder in his new body.

    I think I posted an idea for a story several hours ago. I don't see it now and I'm not sure I see the cap of yours that I posted the idea under.

    Does that make any sense?


    1. Oh, never mind! I see your answer. Thanks for your attention!


  2. This story is a good one to read. Could you make this two parter story about two 15 year olds called Ryan and Ben, it starts with Ryan waiting for the clock to hit midnight as him and Ben have tried to figure out for months what time the FOSE will next hit, they want to leave school one year early and the FOSE would be their gataway, but they also wanted to have successful careers so they chose to become a celebrity of their own choosing, while Ben said that he would chose to become Audrey Plaza, Ryan had some trouble choosing.

    With just a few minutes to go Ryan quickly looked up trending celebrities to find any close to his age, when it came up with 20 year old Peyton List he decided to be her as he thought she looked hot, so he searched for some of her images and was ready to become Peyton.

    Once Ryan had done the deed, he blacked out and woke up outside where it was now daytime, when a camp consultant came to Ryan's aid he asked if Peyton was ok, Ryan got up with a smile and said he was completely fine while brushing his new blonde hair back.

    To be committed to this plan both the boys looked up traits about woman such as how they should walk or when to stroke their hair, Ryan remembered what he had to do and would get the girly traits spot on such as making his butt stick out whenever boys would be talking to him.

    Five days later and Ryan managed to convince everyone at the camp that he was Peyton, while helping to scrub a canoe he realized how easy it was to trick everyone and felt like he just got away with the perfect crime, this wouldn't last however as the camp leader went up to Ryan and asked Peyton to go to the main hall as your mother is waiting, Ryan goes there but is surprised to see his real mum and before he can say anything she says to Ryan "You have a lot of explaining to do when we get home."

    1. thank you for taking the time to get in touch.
      I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.


  3. The gifs and image for this story is here, thank you:





