Monday 4 November 2019

Having a peachy time Part 5 requested by Anonymous.

Ryan stopped what he was doing.

He stared at the toadstool.

The toadstool told him to follow him.

He follows the toadstool into a dark room that Ryan had never seen before.

He walked forward until a light shined down on his face.

The toadstool made him jump as it was stood so close to him.

Ryan asked the toadstool what is that light?

But the toadstool was no longer there.

He looked closer into the light and I could just about make out static.

Ryan was confused and frightened by it.

But he felt an uncontrollable force urging him to enter the static.

He decided he should go into it.

He grabbed hold of the two things he had grown to love as Princess Peach (her tits) and said I will miss you before jumping into the static.

Ryan was blinded by the light.

He hoped he was back home.

But Ryan was sadly disappointed when he heard  a voice say the patient has awoken.

He found himself lying on an examination table.

As his eyes focus to the light of the room he sees two men looking at him.

He lifts his hand to reach out to one of them and notices he is wearing a tight a tight one-piece body suit.

He tried to get up but one of the men asks "Samus" to be careful.

Hearing that name triggered something in his mind that told him who he was and where he was.

After one final check up by the doctor he was allowed to leave the the sick bay.

Still unsure what was really going on Ryan collected up Samus helmet.

The minute his hands touched the helmet it figured something in his mind that started flooding his mind with her memory such as when he graduated and became a galactic bounty hunter.

Still not sure what was happening to him.

Ryan left the sickbay intending to find a quiet corner where he could think.

But he did not have time to think.

As a voice on the ships internal comms system informed him to go to the bridge.

After getting lost for a moment or two Ryan marked it to the bridge were the captain gave him his new orders.

He was to go to the planet surface below and find the source of the metroid virus.

The captain hand him his personal plasma gun and said good luck Samus.

Ryan tuck a turbolift 7 decks down to the main flight hangar 

Where he was shown to the one person shuttlepod which was his ride to the surface.

Once he landed he took a couple of minutes before opening the shuttle pods main door.

He stands looking out of the alien world and thinks to himself being a princess was fun to be a bounty hunter could be fun.

He steps out of the shuttlepod and said to himself as his feet hit the ground one small step for man one giant leap for mankind.

He feels the body suit he is wearing adjust itself to do gravity and pressure of the alien world.

Which makes him feel things through his female body as his boobs and ass were compressed.

But suddenly a few aliens erupt from beneath the surface of the planet.

So he had no choice but to defend himself.

He turned around and activated his plasma gun and click through the settings like a pro switching his gun to melee setting & with a look of determination he was ready and excited for the challenge ahead.


  1. Hi, AG!

    I would appreciate it very much if you would name the doctor in the following story and illustrate it:

    G.M.O. Lecture No. 1

    Dr. ______________ began the first in his series of lectures on unexpected side-effects of recombinant D.N.A. as applied to gene therapy:
    Ladies and Gentlemen, I think you’ll consider the case of a single male subject, whom I shall refer to as “Nemo” to protect his privacy, to be particularly intriguing.
    Nemo agreed to subject himself to an experimental pre-treatment that we proposed, to make humans resistant to certain kinds of venoms. We spliced D.N.A. from Amphiprion ocellaris, the common clownfish, onto his chromosomes. As many of you will know, the clownfish is resistant to the stings of sea anemones.
    Nemo was making surprisingly little money as personal assistant to the C.E.O. of a very successful company that I shall not name here. What you need to know about this company to understand the biology of this case is that the C.E.O. was a woman and that all of Ryan’s co-workers at headquarters were single men. Nemo reported that the C.E.O., whom I shall refer to as “Cora”, refused to hire any women to work at Head Office and refused to hire married men. She kept her staff working and bothered at all hours so that they didn’t even have time to date.
    For Nemo, though, the job came with benefits. He reported a strong sexual attraction to Cora who used Nemo for her own gratification – often right in her office. Whenever she went on any kind of a trip (business or otherwise), she shamelessly insisted that Nemo accompany her. Being the female C.E.O.’s favourite kept Nemo happy to stay in the . . . position . . . but he still felt the need to seek the modest remuneration that our lab provided him as a test subject.
    Suddenly though, Cora got snatched away to another executive position elsewhere, leaving the company with the difficulty of replacing her. Because he was really the only person in the company who had been close to Cora and who understood how she had managed the company, Nemo went from personal assistant and boy-toy to the C.E.O. to being the C.E.O. himself . . . or herself.
    Without Cora around, things calmed down at H.O. for a while. All the men had time to eat properly and take care of themselves. That’s when Nemo began to develop female anatomy and behaviour. He became so feminine that she made one of his former co-workers her new lover – which this man was only too keen to accept since Nemo was now a very attractive woman.
    It seems that we had inadvertently spliced onto Nemo’s D.N.A. the clownfish gene for protandrous hermaphroditism. Nemo was given the ability to turn female when in the absence of women. And, once he transformed, he behaved just like Cora had -- like a domineering female clownfish.


  2. Thank you for writing this great ending, I didn't think about ending it this way at first but now it has a satisfying end.

    I have this one idea of a 22 year old guy named Ryan who is affected by the role exchanger, luckily for Ryan he didn't get too muddled up with body parts as his two neighbors were women, one was a girl his age called Rachel who he had developed a crush on since he was 18 but rarely chatted to her and the other woman was a 28 year old Spanish model who he knew as Mrs Lopez, he would usually see her in one of her bikinis laying in the garden to catch the sun and would say hello to her, as he loved hearing her voice say his own name.

    It was almost a surreal moment for Ryan as when he woke up he felt the weight of his new boobs push down on him, when looking in the mirror Ryan had thought he simply switched with Rachel, but knew that something was off when she had more tanned skin than usual and his butt was much bigger than Rachel's ever was.

    It then occurred to Ryan that his sister had left behind one of her swimsuits from last weeks pool party and so went to try it on, it fit well for the most part except his butt did not fit well and stuck out a lot.

    It was only when he spoke did he know how lucky he was as Mrs Lopezs voice came out of his mouth, this massive change in his voice somewhat turned himself on as her voice was a naturally sexy voice, he would start to view himself in front of his mirror and say things with his new voice such as Ryan you are so handsome compared to my husband, you know just how to please a woman like me.

    While still posing in the mirror he noticed how perfect he looked as he had Rachel's brown hair and eyes, as well as her small perky boobs, but he also had Mrs Lopezs skin tone, big butt and her incredibly sexy voice, Ryan felt truly blessed by his outcome but didn't want to go outside and see how his two neighbors now looked, especially Mrs Lopez as he feared her husband would not take it well with Ryan having his wife's parts.

    Here is the gif for this caption, it's only one but a good one none the less, thank you:

    1. thank you for taking the time to get in touch.
      I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.


  3. This was a nice transition to peach to samus. Can't wait to see my request cap :D

    1. hi there shadow which email address did you send it to me on?


    2. Count Orlock. Was that the right one?

    3. hi there I am having trouble accessing that email account please resend to

