Tuesday 29 October 2019

Having a peachy time Part 4 requested by Anonymous.

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Ryan who was becoming more and more like Princess Peach with every day had a bad feeling about going back to the mushroom Kingdom even though he knew there was nothing he could do to prevent it as  that was where he belonged.

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Ryan confided in Mario on the flight back to the mushroom Kingdom about his doubts and worries.

Mario reassured Princess Peach everything was going to be ok and if she ever needed him he would be there for her.

An hour after taking off the plane landed at the mushroom Kingdom International Airport and Ryan and Mario went back to their own lives.

5 days after returning home to the mushroom Kingdom Ryan asked Mario to participate in the Royal Olympic Games.

Ryan or should I say Princess Peach was asked to perform her beautiful ribbon gymnastics performance as part of the opening ceremony.

Which of course Ryan could not refuse.

He was nervous when he slipped on her leotard and stepped out in front of the waiting audience.

But something deep down inside of him made sure he performed perfectly.

Image result for Princess Peach gymnastics gif

The first tournament was tennis.

Princess Peach & Mario was the first ones to face off.

Image result for Mario and Princess Peach playing tennis

It was a needle match which of course Princess Peach won.

After a few days of taking part in many sports such as kart racing, football and gymnastics.

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After spending so much time with Mario during holiday and the tournament Ryan whos personality had almost been consumed by princess peaches.

He was starting starting to feel his relationship with Mario was a stable one and something they could build a future on.

Which made him feel a lot more settled and happy in general.

So relax was he now pinot longest shied away from doing things in or with her body.

He decided after a nice for round the castle on a warm day to cool off and a lovely pool.

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He removed every item of clothing ready to go skinny dipping when a toad behind him asked for the princess to see something, so he quickly puts back on his dress and leggings to see what the toad had found.

Due to anti-virus concerns I could not use  any of the links provided this time.


  1. I don't mind the gifs not being used, though I hope I don't have a virus, if you can't use these next gifs then that's alright.

    So for this last part Ryan follows the toad into a dark room that Ryan had never seen before, he walks further forward when a light shines down on his face, the toad is stood close to Ryan which nearly scared him, Ryan asks what is that and the toad is no longer there, he looks closer to the light and can see static, Ryan is conflicted to go into it, but decided he should go, he then grabs his boobs and says he will miss having these before jumping up to the static.

    Ryan is blinded by the light and thinks he is home, but Ryan hears a voice saying the patient has awoken, he finds himself laying on an operating bed which rises up, as he sees two men looking at him he lifts his hand to see he is wearing a tight suit, he tries to get up but one of the men asks Samus to be careful, at that point Ryan knows who he has now become.

    After a few more minutes of checkup Ryan is allowed to leave, unsure of how this happened Ryan picks up Samus' helmet and starts getting some of Samus' memories, such as when he graduated to being a galactic bounty hunter, Ryan is not sure what is real or not, but doesn't have time to think when a voice communicated to him on the door asking Samus to go to the main deck of the starship.

    After getting lost for a moment Ryan makes it to the deck when the leader asks him for his help, he explains a mission to go to the planet surface below and to find the source of the metroid virus, he hands Ryan a plasma gun and says good luck Samus.

    Ryan gets in a small ship ready to pilot towards the planet, once he lands a rush of excitement goes to Ryan, he thinks that being a princess for so long has made his life feel a bit boring so to become a badass bounty hunter should be a fun change, Ryan steps out onto the ground and looks around to find nothing of interest, he starts to feel his boobs and big butt compressed in his suit which feel nice to him, but suddenly a few aliens dig up from the ground, Ryan turns around and activates his plasma gun to become a sword, with a look of determination Ryan is ready and excited for the challenge ahead.

  2. Here is the images and gifs, thank you:












    1. thank you for sending me the next part I have added pictures to the previous part that I had found that match to yours...


    2. Yeah thank you for that, I saw them and was pleasantly surprised.
