Wednesday 9 October 2019

Together as a family.

The Smith family had managed to stick together and stay a family no matter what the great ship had done to them.

They did not care that they were all now not related to each other.

They did not care that there 17 year-old daughter Rachel was now in the body of a 19 year-old teenage boy.

They did not care that there 19-year old son Michael was now in the body of a 22 year old blonde bombshell.

They did not care that there 36-year old Amanda mother of Rachel & Michael and wife to Tony what's now in the body of a 40 year old good looking brunette.

They did not care that there 40 -year old father of Rachel & Michael & husband too Amanda was now in the body a 16-year old pregnant teenage girl who was already in her third trimester and according to the scan was expecting twins.

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Which made everybody extremely happy apart from Tony who was not looking forward to pushing two babies out especially after seeing what his wife went through with theirs.


  1. Yes the down side of turning into a woman and pregnant for twins was going to be a lot of work for Tony but to go from 40 to 16 major plus and the hole family was going to raise the twins not just Tony or it should be Toni, After the babies were born she could not think of any other her twin babies were so cute and she got into the hole mother thing real quick.
